“Our faith is over 2000 years old.
Our thinking is not.”
As a smaller church community we value the individual. We know each other’s names and are an “Open and Affirming” congregation.
Together we seek justice, understanding, and embrace exploration.
We believe God is still speaking.
We warmly invite all to come and experience this community for all seasons!
We are a spirit filled community, motivated to act out of love and charity for all as we seek unity in essentials and diversity in all things non-essential.
We are an inclusive community, a family of faith, which through prayer, song, the sacraments and liturgy seeks to feel closer to God, to praise and give thanks to God. We take Christ’s admonition-to go forth and share the good news-as our own, which we strive to do in word and deed both locally and globally.
We welcome and encourage all people, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, age, ethnic background, difference in ability, economic circumstance, or family configuration; to share their talents, gifts, and energy in the life, liturgy, and leadership of our congregation.
Please click on “About Us” to see information regarding Pastor Lisa Orris.
Our Location
2023 Rt. 176 at Bayview Beach Road
Prairie Grove, Illinois 60014
Our New Wind Phone
Our Wind Phone is open and waiting for all to use! Come reach out and make the phone calls you wish you could still make. The old rotary phone gives a tactile experience as you dial your loved one's phone number. There is no dial tone but the wind takes all...
See all of our upcoming events and happenings at the church and beyond.
Sharing Our Space
Click here for more information on Weddings, Meetings, Special Events
Daily Devotional
Click here to read Stillspeaking Daily Devotional
Memorial Walkway
Honor/Remember someone special
Sunday Worship
Discover how we have something for everyone….
Click for more details about our yoga classes!